'Life isn't black and white. It's a million grey areas, don't you find?'
Ridley Scott
I haven't blogged in over 6 weeks. I spent almost a month in the UK visiting family and seeing friends. it was fun. I forgot how temperamental UK weather can be. Although I slightly miss living there and the people I definitely don't miss the weather.
I will say it was pretty sunny though most of the time I was there but towards the end of my trip the weather got weird with rain and a drop in temperatures which culminated in thee most horrible cold/flu that I have experienced in a while or probably ever!
I am excited to be back in South Africa and enjoying every bit of sunshine although sometimes it does get really, really hot. Oh and not forgetting that sunny weather means bright colours and prints and LESS clothing - as you can see from these I decided to go with the latter.
Meshdress - Curvy Chic ZA
Body - Woolworths
Shorts - Cotton On
Heels - Public desire
Clutch -YSL
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