I have been listening to quite a bit of 'old' music recently, and I forgot how inspirational, catchy and relevant the song 'Unpretty' by TLC is and will always be in my opinion.
The song focuses on how women feel they are not beautiful because of men wanting them to look a certain way- wear make up, hair extensions, false eyelashes , have plastic surgery...and so on.
The message is pretty much self explanatory - you should look inside yourself and gain confidence that you are pretty without the extras.
Hmmm...without the extras...I kinda like 'having my face on' and feel naked without it because it gives an extra boost of 'yeah , I'm feeling myself today', haha.
However there could be an extreme - Imagine having to wake up earlier than your partner to put your 'face on' everyday just cause you are worried that they might see you as 'unpretty'.
Undeniably there is an enormous amount of pressure on women in society to look beautiful and sexy at all times - again perpetuated by the media representation of women and celebrities.
I think we all have the common sense to realise that we see on tv is not a fair representation of the every day woman.
Ok...so lets go back to men and how they perceive us or expect us to look a certain way. I get it..ok you want to look good not only for yourself but also for your man/date/crush.
First impressions obviously go a long way but I don't think you should feel the need to constantly look a certain way to please your 'person', because they're supposed to love you, want you, appreciate you with or without all the extras.
INSECURITY - that's probably always the driver in such situations - Don't feel bad about it but fight through those feelings.
Insecurity exists because we are always looking for approval from others. We all learn various things in our lifetime but trust me no one ever teaches us how to love ourselves. How to stay positive when the going gets rough and remove the negative thinking within your core.
Self esteem isn't something that we are born with - its learnt - you have to actively develop it , cultivate it and never let go of it.
Everyday is a struggle - you have to choose a side - positivism or negativity.
Love is elusive -its difficult to find that somebody or when you do they don't want you.
What's worse though is being with somebody that expects you to look a certain way all the time and refuses to go out with you in public unless you're wearing heels and have your 'mask' on.
They should love you no matter what..because no ones perfect..
In perspective of character traits
Im full of contradictions - calm but angst
tidy but untidy
easy but angry
Several sides of Stacey are learning to be in sync
Perhaps we should all exercise being renegades and realise that sometimes it's ok to be just you - even without all the extras.
Thats where the Staci Sherri collection comes in (I Love that its my name sake!!)
Her mission is 'Enhancing outer beauty whilst fostering inner beauty ' and what better way than declaring 'When I grow up I want to be just like me'
Ps - this outfit choice was influence highly on trying to emulate the spectacularly gorgeous Denise Bidot - check out the side to side pic at the end.
Leather jacket Inwear by Truworths, Tshirt Staci Sherri available here , Jeans Dorothy Perkins , Heeled sandals ASOS
- Let me know what you think, questions, comments
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